Saturday 24 May 2008

Rick Najera Stars in 'How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer' in Theatres Nationwide May 16

Actor/Writer Rick Najera Switches Gears for dramatic role in upcoming
feature film

HOLLYWOOD, Calif., May 6 -- Rick Najera, known for his
vivacious and comedic film performances (Ladron Que Roba a Ladron, A Day
Without a Mexican, National Lampoon's Pledge This!), switches gears this
month for his dramatic role as the sensitive, one-handed butcher 'Jose
Luis' in 'How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer'. The feature, written
and directed by Georgina Garcia Riedel, also stars America Ferrera, Steven
Bauer and Elizabeth Pena, and is due out in theatres nationwide May 16,
2008, released by Maya Releasing.

How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer, originally screened at the
2005 Sundance Film Festival, tells the story of three generations of
Mexican American women in one family who experience sexual awakenings over
the course of one blazing hot summer in Yuma, AZ. Najera plays the demure
love interest of screen veteran Elizabeth Pena in this compelling and
heroic role.

Najera, a multitalented award-winning actor/writer/director/producer,
(MADtv, In Living Color) often referred to as the 'Latino Tyler Perry' made
Broadway history when his self-made comedy Latinologues (directed by Cheech
Marin) went to Broadway in New York for a 4-month run at the legendary
Helen Hayes Theatre. His latest comedy, Sweet 15 - Quinceanera, recently
celebrated its world premier at San Diego Repertory with a successful run
and fantastic reviews. Najera, currently VP of Development at LATV, a
bilingual network, recently executive produced The Homies Hip-Hop Show and
Ceasar & Chuy. Najera also penned feature film "Humboldt Park" starring
John Leguizamo and Freddy Rodriguez due out in theatres December 2008.

How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer will open on Friday May 16,
2008, in 54 theatres across the U.S. For more information on the film,
visit For more info on Rick Najera visit or